How do I use Floor Request Mode in Click&Meet?
Manage orderly floor request/Q&A sessions visually from the Click&Meet interface. You will be able to see
who requested the floor and in what order. You will then have the ability to reorder and skip participants.
- Click Open Floor
- Participants hear instructions to press *# on their telephone to request the floor (if audio prompts are on).
- Participants will be placed in the Floor Request Mode queue in order of request.
- Participants can also be dragged and dropped into the floor request queue. Participants can also be dragged and dropped into the floor request queue.
-Colors indicate the order in which participants are in line for the floor.
o Yellow: The participant is on deck for the floor.
o Orange: The participant is in the hole for the floor.
o Blue: The participant is in the floor request queue.
Grant Floor Access: Click the participant followed by the Next Participant button or press *# on the Host’s line to give them the floor.
Reorder Participants: Click the participant followed by the Move button(s) or Click and drag participants to reorder them.
Skip Caller: skips selected participant. (This participant will not receive the floor unless manually unskipped)