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  2. Class Virtual Classrooms

How to Connect to a Learning Management System to Class.

1. An instructor in the classroom will select Teaching Tools. Once in teaching tools, select Learning Management System. The Learning Management System window will open where the instructor will select Add LMS.

2. A new window will open. Use the drop-down to select the preferred Learning Management System in LMS Platform.


3. When utilizing a different LMS than those listed, select Other in the drop-down and enter the URL. Once the LMS is chosen, select Save.


4. The instructor can toggle between the classroom and the LMS tab at the top. To switch the LMS, select LMS Settings to be brought back to the selection page.


Changes in Class Version 2.15

When in a Class, select Learning Tools in the toolbar at the bottom of the application, select Course Content, and last select Learning Management System. Instructors will be able to connect to the Learning Management System as documented above in steps 2 through 4.