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  2. Audio Integration with Adobe Connect

How do I Enable MeetingOne telephony for Adobe Connect? (With Video)

Video and instructions to enable MeetingOne telephony for Adobe Connect

What you will need:
- Company’s Adobe Connect URL
- Administrator Credentials for Adobe Connect 



  1. Log into your Adobe Connect URL (i.e. CompanyABC123.adobeconnect.com)  
  2. A. Click Administration 
    i. Click Audio Providers
    ii. Click MeetingOne NA 
    iii. Click Edit 
    iv. Select Enabled from the Provider Status drop-down 
    v. Click Save 
    2B. Click Account
    i. Click More Settings
    ii. Under UV Enablement for Integrated Telephony Providers - Verify that MeetingOne
         NA is set to Enabled (if not, choose Enabled and then Save)  
  3. Each Host (license holder) will now need to create their own Audio Profile (See Audio Profile Setup)