How do I Create an Adobe Connect Room?

New Meeting Information

1. Once logged in to your Adobe Connect account, go to the meetings tab

2. Once in the ‘Meetings’ tab, click ‘New Meeting’ under ‘My Meetings

3. Once you click, ‘New Meeting,’ fill out the meeting information. See below for a description of what each information subject means.

Enter details about the meeting on the first page of the Meeting wizard. These details include a name, custom URL, summary, date, duration, template, language, access restrictions, and audio conference settings (Only the name and language are required). You can select an audio profile from the pop-up menu instead of manually entering audio conference settings.

Enter the name of the meeting room.

Custom URL
You can create a custom URL for your meetings to be more precise. Add only ASCII alphanumeric characters or hyphens in the custom field.  

Add a summary of the meeting to share with the attendees.

Start Time
Select date and start time for the meeting.

Choose the duration of the meeting.

Select Template
Select the template for the meeting room. For more information on templates, view Default room templates for Adobe Connect.

Select the language for your meeting room.

There are different experiences for the meeting joiners, which depend on their access rights. Registered users, account members, and guests can access the meeting room. Following are the rights that host can provide to meeting joiners:

  • Registered users may enter the room
  • Account members may enter the room
  • Account members may enter the room without host being present
  • Accepted guests may enter the room
  • Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room 
  • Users must enter the passcode.

Learn more about the access rights from Access rights of meeting joiners

Enhanced Audio/Video Experience
Depending on the Application and browser interface settings for the Account, the corresponding defaults at the room level will be different.

At Account level, the default setting is 'Let the hosts decide for their room'. However, an administrator can choose to 'Force Enhanced Audio/Video Experience' or ' Force Standard View'.

On a room level, the Application and browser interface settings are enabled only when the corresponding setting at Account level is 'Let the hosts decide for their room'. If the Account administrator has 'Forced' either of the settings, hosts cannot change these settings at room level.

On a room level, when the Account level setting is 'Let the hosts decide for their room', all rooms will have Enhanced Audio/Video Experience selected as default. A host can choose to change this to Standard View.

All newly created rooms will have VoIP as the default option for Audio Conference Settings. Hosts can choose to include other audio conferences in the room. For more information about audio profiles, view Create and use audio profiles.

Anonymize Recordings: When you enable the  Enhanced Audio and Video Experience option, you can opt for making the names of all attendees anonymous in the recordings. There are two options:

  • Anonymize All Recordings: If you enable this option, the names of all attendees in the meeting room are replaced with User 1, User 2, and so on. The names of the attendees are anonymized in the Attendee, Chat, and Q&A pods.
  • Give Hosts the Option to Anonymize Recordings: If you enable this option,  you can anonymize recordings whenever hosts start a recording. The names of the attendees are automatically replaced.

Hide Entry Screen: If this option is selected, participants will be unable to set their microphone, speaker, or camera before entering the meeting.

Note: If the option Hide Entry Screen is selected in Administration > Compliance and Control > Advanced Settings, the Hide Entry Screen option in the meeting settings will be disabled.

Enable browser access: If you enable this option and you do not have the Adobe Connect application installed on your computer, then the room opens in your default browser. If the option is disabled, then you must install the application, and enter the room.

Enable mobile access: If you enable this option, then you can enter the meeting using the new iOS and Android mobile applications.

Enable opt out to provide an option to the participants to not provide non-explicitly submitted information to hosts. When participants choose to opt out, Adobe Connect excludes engagement index and private chat message count from the meeting reports.


  1. Once you are done filling out the room information, you can either click ‘Finish’ or you can click ‘next’ and select meeting Participants.


!!! If you clicked ‘Next,’ the following steps will be how you Select Meeting Participants!!!


Select Meeting Participants

  1. Use the Available Users And Groups list to add participants. Find participants by name and expand groups to select individuals in the group. You can easily find User’s names by using the search bar and typing in their username.

2. Once you find the User’s name, click on their name and hit ‘Add’

3. If you want, assign roles by selecting participant names and clicking Permissions from the bottom of the current participants list. Once you select the User’s permissions, you will see the change from ‘Participant’ to whichever permission you granted the User:

Example—The ‘Learner’s Example’ user has their permission set to ‘Host,’ after I changed them from Participant:


4. Once you assign all user’s you wish to assign to the meeting room, you will then proceed to the final step of sending invitations (or you can click ‘Finish’ and it will exit the wizard. If you do hit ‘Finish’ and want to send invitations after creating the room, you are always able to do so later.)

!!! If you clicked ‘Next,’ the following steps will be how you send your invitation !!!


Send Invitations

  1. If you decide to send invitations, you will make sure ‘Send Invitations’ is selected
  2. From this page, you have the option to sending invitations to the following:
  • All Hosts, Presenters, and Participants
  • Hosts Only
  • Presenters Only
  • Participants Only


3. Once you decide who you wish to the invitations to, you have the ability to alter the subject of the email invitation, or you can leave it to the pre-populated email subject:

4. Lastly, you are able to edit the message body, or you can keep the message body as the pre-populated layout. The populated layout has the following information:
  • Meeting Name: The meeting name will populate to whatever name you entered during the ‘Meeting Information’ section.
  • Summary: The summary will populate whatever you had written in the ‘Summary’ portion in the ‘Meeting Information’ section.
  • Invited By: The invited by portion will populate the name and email address of the user who has created this Adobe Connect room. In the example below, you will see my name since I was the user who had created this Adobe Connect room.
  • When: When will populate whichever date and time you have selected in the ‘Meeting Information’ section. While the populated summary provides you with “{meeting-time},” know that the {meeting-time} will be replaced with the actual date once the invitations are sent
  • Time Zone: This let’s people know what Time Zone the meeting will take place. Again, while the populated summary provides you with {time-zone},” know that the {time-zone} will be replaced with the time zone you selected in the ‘Meeting Information’ section.


5. Once you have double-checked the invitations, you will click the ‘Finish’ button. Once you click ‘Finish,’ the meeting room will be created and you can find the Meeting under the ‘My Meetings’ tab