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What are the Host/Participant Quick Key Commands?

These commands are available for Hosts only. Some options may be turned on for participants to use.


Dedicated Toll-Free Conference: Opens and Starts your conference
1) Dial room number
2) Enter your PIN#

Public Toll-Free, Local Toll, or International Conference: Opens and Starts Your Conference
1) Dial Access number
2) Enter room number #
3) Enter your PIN#

Dial Out to a participant: Call individual participants to join
1) Dial the Telephone Number # you wish to join the conference

Re-Dial (02#): Re-dials the last participant called 

Disconnect Last Participant (8#): Disconnects the last participant dialed 

End Your Conference Call (9#): Automatically Disconnects all Participants 



Mute / Unmute Participants (4#/40#): Mutes/Unmutes all call participants

Host Self-Mute/Host Self-Unmute (46#/460#): Hosts can self-mute their line

Participant Self-Mute On/Off (45#/450#): Enable/disable participant self-mute

Participant Self-Mute (*#): If enabled participants can toggle mute


Customer Service (0#): Get live support during your calls

Menu of Commands (6#): Audibly lists key commands



Doorbell Off/On (47#/470#): Plays when a new participant enters

Audio Prompts Off/On (48#/480#): Toggles prompt voice announcements

Roll Call On/Off  (50#/500#):  Announces participants entry to call

Roll Call Play Back (510#): Plays back roll call to host during call



Start/Stop Recording ( 51#/510#): Start/stop audio recording of call

Download Recording ( OAM): You will need to login to OAM to find the audio recording

Room Music On/Off (75#/750#)



Move to Host Corner/Rejoin (2#/20#): Moves host to Host Corner/ Rejoins call

Participant to Host Corner (21#): Moves only if host is in Host Corner

Open Host Managed Sub-Conference Rooms (3#): Auto moves participants to sub-room
determined by host directory. Host may move participants in & out of sub-rooms

Open Participant Managed Sub-Conference Rooms (3*X# [X= Sub-conference you
want to join (1-8)]): With host authorization, participants can move themselves in & out of sub-rooms

Close a sub-conference room ( 30*X#): Closes sub-room & returns callers to main

Close all sub-conference rooms ( 30#): Ends sub-rooms & returns all to main

Transfer host functions ( 999#): Caller who enters the same command will be transfered host command rights

Set reminder tone (61[# of mins]#): Chimes when # of minutes entered expires



Floor Request Mode On/Off (42#/420#): Toggle floor requesting for participants

Request Floor/Cancel request [As a Participant] ( *#): Participants can enter/exit question que 

Grant Participant floor/Revoke [As a Host] (*#): Gives/revokes floor to participant

Move to next participant in que [As a Host] (*#): Give floor to next caller



Lock/Unlock Call (14#/10#): Disconnect participants calling in

Coded Access (Call-wide) (12*[chosen code]#): Participants enter by host-chosen code

Coded Access (Individual) ( 13#): Enter by individual access codes

Screened Access On ( 11#): Places callers in waiting lounge to screen

Screening Participants (2# &1#): If screened access is enabled, pressing 2# will join you to the Host Corner with waiting participant. Admit caller to main conference using 1# command



Self-Mute On/Off (*#): If host enables self-muting

Request the floor (*#): Only if host has enabled floor requests

Move to Host Corner (21#): Ony if host is in Host Corner

Move to Sub-conference room (3*X# [X= Sub-conference you want to join (1-8)]): Only if host has opened sub-rooms